What Is The BluesEd Program?
BluesEd is an award-winning non-profit youth artist development program affiliated with the Blues Society of Omaha. The Blues Society of Omaha’s mission statement is “Keeping the Blues Alive.” The BluesEd program began in 2001 and was created to provide opportunities for talented Middle and High School age musicians to play with other students in a performing band format. Through a series of workshops, BluesEd students learn a repertoire of blues music, along with learning the art of improvisation and solos, the methodology of rehearsals, techniques of jamming, stage presence and performance, and the historical origins of the blues genre.
The basis of this program is for students to have the opportunity to play with other students, learn songs, the art of improvisation, the techniques of “jamming”, the methodology of rehearsal, and how to play in an ensemble setting. During the BluesEd season the participants will require individual practice time and private lessons are highly recommended.
Charting music is an important skill that will be taught and reinforced by the BluesEd Clinicians. Students are expected to listen and study the materials provided and work on the songs ahead of time to prepare for each workshop. Vocalists are expected to memorize the song lyrics prior to each workshop. Clinicians will assist the students with the basic chord structure, song arrangements, vocal harmonizing, and suggest different ways to arrange songs. The end goal for each workshop is that the students will be able to play their workshop songs with a strong musical and visual performance.
Student Requirements
To participate in the BluesEd program students must be 12-18 years old and currently in middle or high school. In addition, students must:
- Be proficient with their instrument, which includes having a basic knowledge of chords and some soloing abilities. We cannot accept beginning students at this time.
- Have the ability to learn and memorize lyrics prior to workshops (ability to read music is not required).
- Have some basic knowledge of playing blues.
- Have the time and desire to practice at home and be committed to all performances with their assigned group.
- Be willing to study a song by listening and charting the basic structure as homework for the workshops.
- Have basic organizational skills (bringing their notebook, charting music, keeping track of the music/lyrics/charts).
- Coming prepared to the workshop with all necessary equipment and arrive in time to have all equipment setup before the start time.
BluesEd is a non-profit program that relies heavily on parent volunteerism in order to keep costs down. Parents are required to participate by volunteering at events, performances, and fundraisers. Please consider this time commitment carefully prior to having your child audition. Further questions can be emailed to the program’s directors at [email protected]
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